If(!array_key_exists($oldName, $students_score))

Otherwise, just returns the array unmodified. The following example uses the PHP array_key_exists to see if the key exists in the first. So, let’s cut the loop part and bring down the complexity further. Using a foreach loop is redundant because the array features direct indexing meaning that the array returns values for a given key.
#Foreach php key value update#
#2 – Update key value in array PHP using array_key_exists That’s why using the PHP arsort helps in rearranging the scores. The array elements are placed by order of their insertion. Finally, it sorts the array in descending order using the arsort function.It then removes the old key and value because the array has the updated entry.Once it finds that key it assigns the associated score to the new key.It loops through the array and find the key that equals to the name that’s gonna be replaced.The breakdown of the changeName() in the example is as follows. $students_score = changeName($students_score, 'Jamie', 'James') Unset($students_score) // Removes the old key and value. $students_score = $score // Only the keys are meant to be replaced. 10,įunction changeName($students_score, $oldName, $newName)įoreach($students_score as $student=>$score) The following example will use a foreach loop to change key value in array PHP. PHP foreach loop is convenient because it gives us easy access to key and value pairs. The most obvious approach is using a loop.

#1 – Update key value in array PHP using a loop Thus, we can update key value in array PHP, and that’s exactly what this article will focus on. PHP associative arrays are basically hash maps as they include key and value pairs.

Though the article includes three approaches, the second approach is the most efficient.
#Foreach php key value how to#
This article focuses on how to update key value in array PHP. #3 – Update key value in array PHP using array_search.#2 – Update key value in array PHP using array_key_exists.#1 – Update key value in array PHP using a loop.It loops over the array, and each value for the current array element is assigned to $value, and the array pointer is advanced by one to go the next element in the array. The foreach loop is mainly used for looping through the values of an array. PHP Overview PHP Tutorial PHP Introduction PHP Installation PHP Basics PHP Basics PHP Syntax PHP Data Types PHP Variables PHP Constants PHP Print and Echo Statements Operators PHP Operators PHP Arithmetic Operators PHP Assignment Operators PHP Comparison Operators PHP Logical Operators PHP Ternary Operator PHP Concatenation Operators Decision Control Structures PHP Decision Making PHP if else statement PHP elseif statement PHP switch statement Loop Control Structures PHP Looping PHP while loop PHP do-while PHP for loop PHP foreach loop Functions PHP Date and Time PHP Functions PHP String Handling Functions PHP Include and Require PHP Headers PHP File Handling PHP Cookies PHP Sessions PHP Sending Emails Compare Strings In PHP array_diff() Function in PHP array_merge() Function in PHP array_search() Function in PHP eval() in PHP preg_replace() Function in PHP URL Encoding and Decoding with PHP sleep() Function in PHP strlen() Function in PHP ksort() Function in PHP strlen() Function in PHP gettype() Function in PHP Forms PHP GET and POST PHP Server Side Form Validation PHP File Upload PHP Classes and Objects PHP OOP Terminology PHP Access Modifiers What is stdClass in PHP? PHP Inheritance PHP OOP Traits PHP Abstract Classes PHP Constructor PHP Destructor Miscellaneous PHP Arrays PHP RSS Feed PHP Composer Environment Variables in PHP PHP Error Handling